Scottish Clinical Imaging Network

SCIN Quality Improvement

SCIN initially had two subgroups looking at overall quality issues. These two groups have recently amalgamated, as many of the issues arising were identified as fitting in the remit of both groups.

The following issues are currently being looked at by this merged group.

1.    A national Imaging dashboard, which offers operational management of imaging data, contained within PACS and RIS, is being progressed in collaboration with the Shared Services team

2.    In the meantime, work is being undertaken to optimise the data currently contained with the cost book to enable its display in graphical format for strategic information across Scotland. The format will also aid local service analysis per board. This is national data acquired on a quarterly basis from all the health board.

3.    SCIN are developing a self assessment quality tool with the primary aim of driving up quality standards and with a secondary aim of providing evidence of service quality in comparison with other Scottish Boards.

4.    SCIN supports the concept of Clinical Decision Software and has hosted presentations from interested parties, both vendors and support platform services, at this group.

5.    DNA management and use of Urgency codes have been investigated across Scotland with a draft report being presented to this group. There is an inconsistency of use of these codes across Scotland. The report produced recommendations to support standardisation of their use across Scotland.

6.    Future plans to review vetting arrangements and examination protocols also sit within this group.



February, March


January, March, May, July


January, September, November